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capital letter-capital

tamoadmin 2024-10-25 人已围观

简介capital 英[?k?p?tl] 美[?k?p?tl]n. 资本; 首都; 资源; 大写字母;adj. 资本的; 首都的; 极好的; 刑的;例句:He called for the reform of capital gains tax.他呼吁进行资本收益税改革。

capital letter-capital

capital 英[?k?p?tl] 美[?k?p?tl]

n. 资本; 首都; 资源; 大写字母;

adj. 资本的; 首都的; 极好的; 刑的;


He called for the reform of capital gains tax.
